Hey guys! I'm back and I survived! I did end up hurting my foot ( the picture on the right), but that's okay, it doesn't hurt too bad. Anyways, camp was so great. It was a lot of fun and I learned so much up there. For example, my ward does not want to wake me up if I don't sleep with them and they will just let me miss breakfast...and flag ceremony. Or my bishop and his counselor are really good at soaking other people while canoeing...man that was cold! Haha. I also learned a lot about friendship up there and got to meet lots of new girls this year. It was such a joy being a YCL and a whole new experience. I loved going on the sunrise hike, even if I had to wake up around 4:20 a.m., it still was amazing. I almost froze the last night, and it didn't help that I decided to take an ice cold shower and wash my hair with freezing water in the spigot. Haha. But as I said, it was so much fun. So there's this girl in my ward, her name is Ari. She is like the most crazy girl ever! Haha, she always makes me laugh and I just love her to death. Haha. So here are some quotes she said while we were up at camp and I know some of them won't make sense to you but I just think they are funny! :P
"Cleanse the raisin!"
"The porta potties are closer or you can go to the biffies if you're fancy."
"Actually, it's going to land on your head April, to be optimistic."
"Kaika chose Taylor Lautner...We'll just let him live his dream."
"What's wrong with Tyson? I thought he was my fake brother."
"Wipe the grease off of your face so I can put it in the fire."
"I like drugging the bees."
"She wants grease papers! I know she does!!!"
"Apparently, they're going to put me in a straight jacket, not a gay jacket."
-Ari grabs an orange cake from the fire-
(while tossing it in the air) "Ahh! Ahh! It's hot!!! Nobody warned me!"