Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm back! :D

Hey guys, I'm back. So, here are the summer quotes I have! :)
"Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet."
-Bob Marley (lyrics)
"Beach sand, perfect tans. Day walks, night talks. Sleepless nights, pillow fights. & spending every day with those who matter most." -Unknown
"The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever." -Unknown
"Amazing friends; summer nights; Chocolate ice cream; mud slide fights; Half the summer is gone already So lets spend the rest of it; slow and steady." -Unknown
"Belly tops, flip flops. Lemonade, in the shade. Blue skies, hot guys, late nights water fights, ice creams, sweet dreams, bathing suits, shooting hoops, party time, schools out, sleeping in, sneaking out summer’s coming…" -Unknown
"Summer is where the girls go barefoot..." -Unknown
"Summer is delicious. rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." -Unknown
"So here's to all those summer nights when my feet hit the sand and the waves break my fall and all my friends around me out number the stars." -Unknown
"Celebrate Summer - Sun drenched days and starlit nights..." -Unknown
"Sunny days, party nights, hot guys, water fights, pretty hair, tanned skin, schools out summers in. ♥" -Unknown

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