Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm back!

Wow! That trip was defiantly an eye-opener experience! I learned a lot from it.
1) Toilets are AMAZING!!!
2) Beds are so much better than the ground!
3) Bugs are so annoying!
4) Water that comes from a spring, is so much better (and safer) than the water that comes out of your sink! CRAZY!
5) Nature is GORGEOUS!
6) Hiking+hurt knee=lots of pain 
7) People snoring can sound like a bear...especially with your imagination
8) Camping food (store bought) is GROSS! 
9) It gets super cold at night in the mountains and super hot during the day 
10) We take things for granted  a lot!
I'm so grateful for the trip that i went on and that i could go!

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